Tag Archives: The Ford Institute

The Right Questions



“Each of us has an internal flame that is the keeper of our life force.  Each choice we make either adds to the force, making it stronger, igniting and feeding our flame, or diminishes our force, dampening our internal flame, reducing its power.”  – Debbie Ford (The Right Questions)

A year ago I had the pleasure of working with the late Debbie Ford at the final Shadow Process workshop that she hosted.  Working with the shadow revealed many of the “ugly” feelings that I carried as a result of the traumas I had experienced in my life.  As a person who loves beauty and positivity, working with the shadow was tough.  I fought it.  Often ignoring it or minimizing the process because it was just too painful.

But here is the amazing thing, once the light was shined on my shadow side, transformation started taking place.  Even though I was not consciously aware of it, I started making choices to heal the past in order to step into the future I had put on hold for many years. This meant leaving situations that were out of alignment with my highest good, acknowledging parts of my painful past with the people who were involved and most importantly, forgiving myself for sabotaging myself whenever I got close to living the life I dreamed of.

I am not going to lie, making these empowered choices has not been easy or fun.  And yet, it has created a powerful transformation in my life.  New doors are opening, amazing people are showing up and most importantly I am listening to my wise inner self.

I believe that when we ask ourselves powerful questions and listen, really listen, to the answers we hear, and take action based on the insights, everything we have ever longed before becomes available to us.  My friend Andrea Chilcote’s blog post serves as a beautiful example of this point.

To honor where I have been and to share my journey with you, I will dedicate my next few blog posts to the powerful inquiries from the book The Right Questions.